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Real Estate

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Are you a Residential Property Manager or Real Estate Agent needing a septic inspection? 

You've come to the right place to protect your clients, buyers and sellers. RooterPLUS offers septic inspections and certified letters for only $125. As always, we are still pumping out septic tanks for the low price of $150 for up to 1000 gallons and $250 for up to 1500 gallons. Please see our Septic Services page for details.

RooterPLUS currently works with


Community Associations Institute


National Association of Residential Property Managers

2017 Affiliate of the Year


Apartment Association of Atlanta


Building Owners and Managers Association


International Facility Management Association


Institute of Real Estate Management


Georgia Senior Living Association


Georgia Association of Realtors

Contact Us

There are a lot of benefits that RooterPLUS can provide to real estate agents, which they can pass down to their clients.

Why Get An Inspection?

Any time someone buys a new home, they want to know what the condition of the home. A home inspector is used for that. If you need a plumber to make the suggested plumbing repairs, we are here for you. Or if you would like a second opinion, a plumber can come out and inspect the plumbing. This could save you from having to spend a lot of money on a new home that is only going to need repairs.

RooterPLUS can accomplish this for you. We have been providing official reports on sewer line inspections for the past 2+ decades, and we work with real estate agents on a regular basis. We want to make sure that homeowners make informed decisions when it comes to buying a new home. They should never have to take on a home that has serious plumbing issues.

Save Money

Another potentially expensive problem for new homebuyers is the septic tank. When a septic tank is properly cared for over its lifetime, it can be a great, inexpensive way to handle your waste. Unfortunately, when you buy a new home, no one is sure of the condition of the tank and entire system. This is where we can help. We provide septic inspections for real estate agents all over Metro Atlanta. We also provide inspection letters, which are needed in many counties.

Quality Assurance

The benefits of getting these areas of a home inspected and reported to your real estate agent are substantial. Although we take great pride with the services we provide, we know that not every homeowner can afford them. For this reason, we highly advise that homeowners have these areas of the home inspected, so that they can make an informed decision regarding the purchase if they were to buy the home.