Three water-wise tips to save water and your wallet.

Tip #1 - Handling Small Drips
So you have a small drip. Not a problem right? Well, you might want to think twice about that.
A small drip every 3 seconds can add up to nearly 3 gallons per day or 86 gallons per month. That sure does add up on your water bill! So tip #1 is pretty straightforward: fix those drips. Often times these repairs can be done by a confident DIY'er. However if you would rather leave it to the pros, we are here to help.
Tip #2 - Check on your appliances
Efficiency Check
First, check your appliances. Thanks to advances in technology, home appliances have increased in water efficiency. If possible, consider replacing old appliances with newer models.
Here are some other ways to make sure you're getting the most efficient use of your appliances if replacing them is not an option:
- Fill your sink or basin when washing and rinsing dishes.
- Only run the dishwasher when it's full.
- Run full loads of laundry.
Second, check yourself. Are you practicing smart water usage? Here are some suggestions to make sure you are water efficient:
- Take short showers.
- When cooking, peel and clean vegetables in a large bowl of water instead of under running water.
- Turn off the water to brush your teeth.
Tip #3 - Revisit Your Outdoor Water Strategy
Being water-wise outdoors.
Consider asking your local nursery or landscape company for tips on how to maximize the use of natural vegetation. Often times shrubs and other ground covers require less water and provide a great look almost all year round.
Check-in on those sprinklers. Are they watering what they are supposed to? Your house and the sidewalk don't really need watering. Making sure your sprinklers are pointed in the right direction is an easy fix that will help get the most out of your water usage.
Bonus Tip - Install Water-Saving Fixtures
To further reduce your water consumption, consider installing water-saving fixtures in your home. Replace old showerheads with low-flow options that maintain water pressure while conserving gallons of water per minute. Likewise, install faucet aerators to reduce water flow without sacrificing functionality. These simple yet effective upgrades can make a significant difference in your water bill savings.
Remember, implementing these three tips, along with the bonus tip of installing water-saving fixtures, will not only help you save money but also contribute to water conservation efforts. Start implementing these strategies today and make a positive impact on both your wallet and the environment.