When I think of July 4th, I think of fireworks, friends, sunshine, red, white and blue, the flag, grilling and just good old fashioned fun. I rarely stop to think about the reason we celebrate or the things our great country has accomplished in the past 200+ years.
So here is a fun link to a quiz that will test your knowledge on some American history and government. Many of the questions are used on the test to grant U.S. Citizenship. It is 30 questions and it won’t take long. Click on the link below to take the quiz.
Independence Day Quiz
I will post a comment under this blog and let you know how I did (not very well by the way). I encourage you to do the same, but not if it is embarrassing. I am also planning on having my 15 year-old son and 18 year-old daughter take the quiz as well. Let’s see what these kids are learning!
Have fun with the quiz. Have a safe 4th of July and try to spend some quality time with family and friends.
Oh, by the way, don’t forget that RooterPLUS is open 365 days a year, so if you have an emergency and need our help, just call us at 770 888 1931. Remember, no extra charge for holidays.